Our inaugural KAMP Cup for KDC, held on July 31st, 2015 was a HUGE success! We were hoping to be able to make a donation of $15,000.00 to the Kennedy Donovan Center, but with the help and support of all of our friends and colleagues, we were able to surpass that amount and donate $17,000.00!
A message from Paul to all that donated and or participated:
To everyone that participation,
I want to thank everyone for their participation in the inaugural KAMP Cup for KDC. We couldn’t has asked for better weather and everyone that I had spoken with had a great time and sorry to those of you that I didn’t get to speak with, it was a little crazy but it seemed that everything went flawlessly. After everything has been totaled up we raised $17,000 for the Kennedy Donovan Center which I think is pretty good for our first shot at this.
I want to thank everyone that wasn’t at the tournament but sent us a donation because they felt that it was going to a great cause. I do want to thank all of the volunteers once again especially my wife Kim and our office manager Kristal for all of the hours that they put into this.
No one was able to win the truck put up by Alden GMC & Buick (Closest was 13’ 8’’) or any of the other 5 hole in one prizes. Even though the boys from Baystate Drywall beat my team by one stroke by eagling the first hole we will give them another shot next year to defend their title. Lets see if Team KAMP #3 can move up next year from most honest to 1st runner up for most Honest?
The totals are as followes:
- Money raised by the silent auction was $2,635 and the big item of the night was the Boston Golf club Donated by The Palmisano Family that went for $850 that was purchased by my wife of 25 years (I hope she is going to bring me)
- Raffle tickets, Mulligans and prize holes total was $2,480. I want to thank everyone on the 50 / 50 item that donated the money back to KDC and it was ALL DONATED BACK. Thanks to everyone who tried to stick it to me and bought more raffle tickets than they normally would have Kim and I are matching the $2,480 for a total of $4,960
- Bag sponsor: Tony Mcgahan of South Shore Cabinets
- Dinner sponsor: Matt Glynn of Glynn Electric
- Lunch sponsor: Tom Schiller of Automatech
- PLATINUM SPONSOR: Jayne & Dr William Lane of Lane Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- GOLD: Sponsor’s Tom Macvarish of Continetal Ceilings / All the Guys at Bay State Drywall
- BRONZE: Susan & Dr Gary Kearney of Longwood Urological Associates, / Ligia Frias and everyone at Tetrault Insurance company, / Freeman Boyton of Duxbury Construction, / Katie Murphy, Dr Daniel O’Connor and everyone at Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston.
- Everyone who sponsored the putting green, carts, and holes There are just to many to list.
Once again I want to thank all of you and so does The Kennedy Donovan Center. We look forward to seeing all of you next year for an even bigger event.